Feb 25, 2009

Salmon with corn pasta

Broiled salmon fillet with buttered veggies and corn pasta.  Finished with Romano cheese and lemon.  Husband wanted more sauce.

We watched the Top Chef finale.  Soooo not satisfying.  Soooo not a Josea fan nor a Stefan fan but knew Carla was a long shot and when she listened to stupid girl who DID NOT WIN her season (hello!), took herself out of the running.

Now we're going to watch Lost.  I'm hoping this will be a better experience. 



  1. you should post your corn pasta recipe... it looks really good.

    and i'm so disappointed with top chef this season. i'm start to hold a grudge at the 'single-meal' judging, because so many people were a better chef than hosea. including stefan, carla, jeff, and i thought jamie was better too. maybe even fabio.

  2. Alas, my darling, the corn pasta was purchased at Whole Foods (although I will be learning how to make pasta in school...very excited). Yes, such a HUGE Fabio fan, and his restaurant is close by so we will be visiting very soon. He may not have been the best chef, but he was the BEST and when he broke his freaking finger and said he would have seared it on the flat top...you can write that! xoxo

  3. fabio definitely had the personality. congrats on the culinary school. i can't wait to read all about it!
