So here's the deal. Way back when I started this blog, I simply took pictures of everything I ate, and blogged about it. Then I started personal cheffing, and the blog became more about what I cooked for clients. I am at a loss now being 37 weeks pregnant, not currently cheffing, as to where to go with the blog. If you have any ideas, let me know! In the meantime, I'm gonna go back to my Eat Repeat roots, take pics of my food, and tell you all about it, and about what's going on with me. Sound good?
My dinner: One kosher beef hot dog and one organic turkey dog with ketchup, mustard, green onions, pickles and one shredded up piece of string cheese I divided between two buns. I freaking love hot dogs during this pregnancy. Pre-pregnancy, I probably ate hot dogs twice a year. Now they are a staple. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that my favorite toddler foods were hot dogs and apple sauce (not together, although it could work...). My mom said I used to go into the kitchen, slap the refrigerator door and say "Sauce!" or "Ketchup Hot Dog!" What a clear communicator, even back then.
My hot dogs came with a side of roasted broccoli and a giant pear. Pears are my favorite fruit.
Husband's dinner: One turkey hot dog with ketchup, mustard, green onions and pickles, tater tots, and a big side of baked beans with more cut up hot dogs. He worked hard today in informercial land and ate everything, plus a tuna sandwich. Hungry husband.
In other news, I had my 37 week check-up today with the lovely midwives at The Sanctuary. All is well with Ian, except that his spine is a little more towards my left side than they'd like (shortly before birth, the optimal position is for their spine to be between the left side and the mom's belly button, with the spine pointing outward, rather than towards mom's back, which is what causes "back labor"). So I've been encouraged to hang out on all fours for a little while each day to move the little guys back a bit. Tonight I crawled around on the carpet while watching The West Wing.
I feel really good today physically, and did a brisk 30 minute elliptical workout. I had the midwives measure my "waist" which is a hearty 41 inches. I have no idea how much weight I've gained, nor do I care to know until the very end. On that note, I think I'll have a snack...
haven't had a hotdog in ages , luv yours...Happy new Year .
ReplyDeletePS: How's the pregnancy going?