May 21, 2010


Today, I needed toast, so I drove to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a toaster.  Took me ten minutes.  It reminded me of a story my mom has told me a thousand times.

I was three years old and we were taking a trip to grandma's house.  I was potty training so we were taking my potty along.  After we were all packed up and ready to go, my dad backed out of the driveway...and my potty.

Apparently, my reaction was a combination of shock and despair and I kept repeating, "oh no, not my potten chew."

What did my wonderful parents do?  Drove directly to Kmart and bought me an identical potty chair.  I carried the box out of the store with pride.

My toast spread of the day:  Raw Crunchy Almond Butter and Strawberry Jam.  Nummy.


The toast of the day is Ezekial sprouted cinnamon raisin bread.  I also enjoyed some nuts and sliced organic strawberries.  The berries were exceptional.

I also enjoyed chips and salsa.  Especially the salsa.  I'm trying a new way of eating:  many small meals throughout the day.  I have long known that this is a very healthy way to live but have only now gotten inspired to do so.  I must say that so far, I love it.  I get to eat many different things and it actually feels like I'm eating more...highly recommend it.  My only concern is going out to eat.  I have a really hard time not cleaning my plate, no matter how grotesque the portion.

Husband got a "normal" dinner that I was actually (sort of) inspired to cook:  BBQ chicken legs, roasted yam with cinnamon pecan butter and steamed veggies.

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