Nov 8, 2009

Food Blogger Photography Weekend. Denise Is My Fairy Cameramother And I Wear Lots Of Stripes.

Here are some Guilty Vegan cookies after a camera lesson from Matt Armendariz.  He is a food photog GOD and I also have a crush on his husband.  Matt, Adam, Denise and Cindie rocked this workshop and I felt honored to be a participant.



I got a little camera happy.  Denise lent me her Nikon monstrosity and let me tell you, having a serious camera AND husband's tripod= renewed food blogger inspiration (we hope).  Denise, I love you and I thank you for this time with your beautiful camera.  I will be very, very nice to it.


Cindie and Ruben getting his pizza's camera ready.  Clearly, I have some learning ahead of me...


In other news, I like stripes.


And eating protein bars like they are complete meals.



Sunday workout:  3 mile quick run before heading to the LBC.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mandy- It was so much fun to meet you this weekend! The class went so well, and it was great to have you in it.
