After the roasted chicken, everyone wanted a little something sweet. I can't remember what I was saying to my sister when I took this picture, but it does confirm that I am funny.
She's eating a blisscuit, which I am still bitter about because I didn't add salt to the blisscuit mix and I think they suck even though the fam thinks they're good. They just don't know how much better they are supposed to taste!
My sister made beaver cupcakes recently (which I did not photograph because I am a horrible person and I get very strange when I'm jet lagged). They were adorable; I can't remember how she did them except that their tails were Nutter Butter cookies.
Anywho, she had a couple leftover chocolate cupcakes which mom decided to frost and cover with the shredded coconut I bought for the blisscuits. Now, this coconut is completely dried and unsweetened, so if you exhaled whilst taking a bite, coconut dust was a flyin'.
They were a delicious disaster.
Dad had his small bowl of ice cream= 1 quart of Edy's Butterfinger. Don't worry, it took him three sittings to finish it. Yep, I'm his kid alright.
My dessert: Powerade Zero. I was gearing up for dad's popcorn!
Tuesday workout: 60 min Vinyasa session a la Yogaglo
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