Apr 14, 2009

Culinary School: Starches- The Results

Quinoa Salad with Dried Fruit and Pine Nuts.  Loved the whole thing (except the pine nuts- decided I am not a fan).

Green lentil salad.  Super nice flavor with leek, carrot, onion, garlic, thyme and parsley dressed with a sherry vinaigrette.

Polenta with caramelized onions and Gorgonzola cheese.

Risotto (mine).  Very basic; onions sweated with butter, coat the arborio rice with said butter and onions and add stock, one cup at a time until risotto is cooked and saucy.  Finish with more butter and Parmesan cheese.  Salt and pepper.  Done.

Fried plantains with powdered sugar.  Shut up.


  1. I made risotto once about a year ago, and ever since then my boyfriend mentions it all the time, "When are you gonna make that creamy rice stuff again?" Lol! Yours is making me hungry! :D

  2. A vegetarian's dream. I could almost do without meat for good if I could eat these kinds of savory carbs all the time. Too bad that my body and my taste buds don't agree on that. They all look yummy!

  3. I feel you, NinnyH! I'm not a veggie but I easily could be. I don't really crave meat except an occasional roast chicken and my mom's pot roast.

    I could live on cheese and bread!
