Sep 1, 2009

Our Ninja Lunches

Today was day one of our new place getting painted. Exciting! We were at the paint store before 9am selecting colors for our living room, bedroom and office (the rest will be painted white). I will keep you in suspense until we move in. Then it will be documented. Any guesses?

After running back and forth to said paint store and getting the world's crappiest car wash (at our usual place where they are usually fabulous, no less), husband and I were hungry and hot (yep, still hot and smoky and nasty here in So Cal). So I decided to employ my Ninjas yet again and fill our bellies with delicious frostiness.

Mine: 1 cup plain yogurt, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, vanilla stevia. Whipped and then folded in 1 1/4 cups Honey Bunches Of Oats. Delish.

Husband had a chocolate Green Monster. The more cocoa powder I add, the more he loves it. Good thing it's unsweetened.

Click here to find the recipe. Of course, Green Monsters are nothing if not completely open to interpretation. Go wild, young children.

Tuesday workout: Yogaglo with Jo 60 minutes.

Am feeling super fat after yesterdays foodstravaganza in San Diego. Am pretty sure this is just a feeling...

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