Sep 2, 2009

Husband's Dinner

Sauteed Halibut with artichoke lemon sauce, steamed veggies and oven roasted fingerling potatoes.

Mine was same old same old. Today has been really hard. I had a meltdown over my potential website and it went downhill from there.

The truth is, I've spent my whole life being afraid, and now I'm trying to start a business. By myself. That I know nothing about. In a major city. With a million rules and regulations, especially about food. What am I thinking?

Thanks for letting me vent. I'm gonna go take a bath and try to compose myself. And just maybe watch the So You Think You Can Dance special...if husband ever gets off the phone with his boyfriend (graphic artist).

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! My comment didn't come through the first time.

    What I was trying to say is that I understand the fear thing as I'm just trying to set up a personal chef / catering business now on top of my full time job. It's so hard to push past that sometimes and just keep moving forward, but I'm rooting for you!
